Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Court Date and "Alliette"

Ned was able to attend one of the court dates with our lawyer, Agnes, and baby Josie today. Of all the crazy things, he and our lawyer were at the wrong court and were 3/4 of the way through the proceedings before everyone realized that fact. Sister Graciase from Mother Teresa's Orphanage was waiting at the right court. Thank goodness Ned and Agnes made it to the correct court in time for the hearing to still be held today - egad.

Another neat piece of info that's come to light is in regards to Josie's given name. We've been confused and have heard everything from Alliette to Arriette and Harriet to Henriette. We now have clarification that her name in French is Henriette...but in Kinyarwanda (native language in Rwanda), her name is Alliette after all!!! We've been hoping to use a Kinyarwanda name as her middle name. So Josie Alliette Biehl it is!

The first time Ned heard her name, he thought one of the sisters from the orphanage said "Alliette." We couldn't believe our ears...pretty darn close to the female version of "Elliot" to us. Of all the names in the world - really?!? We've decided to take that as a small sign from our sweet Elliot that he's had a hand in all of this.

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